Friday, December 7, 2007

Day 4: Craving uprising

I'm posting this on Day 5, but here's a summary of yesterday:

I struggled with some horrendous thoughts of devouring the cheese Gary bought that's still in the fridge, as well as some of the cooked stuff the kids had, but I managed to not focus on it. I just noted the momentary sinking feeling and moved on, although I did note I was more irritable than usual.

I was very, very tired in the evening, and forced everyone to bed at 8:00. Had a bit of a yelling match with the two-year-old who jabbered in bed for an hour, talking about "night night" and "a-muls" (animals). Under normal circumstances this would have been cute, but I was not in the mood. I badly needed sleep, and he was extremely reluctant to give it to me! I finally went to sleep a bit after 9:00.

  • 5 cups orange juice (10 oranges)
  • 8 red bananas, 4.4 oz box of blueberries, 2 sticks celery, blended
  • 3 fuyu persimmons
  • 1 box 4.4 oz blueberries
  • 1 romaine heart, 1/2 cup broccoli, 1 large carrot (trying to use these up - I had a whole bunch in the fridge from my juicing days), dressing of 1.5 roma tomatoes, 1/2 avocado (2 oz), 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 ear yellow corn
Calories: 1931
Calonutrient ratio:

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