Saturday, October 27, 2007

Day 12, sort of ...

I am very very down today because it is apparent to me that my thyroid is crashing again. I have felt that horrible hypothyroid fried feeling for the last 3-4 days, and today I have just been crying on and off from the frustration of it. Plus, now the depression is setting in (another symptom of hypothyroid) as well as irritability and edginess. It's difficult when it doesn't seem to matter what I do, how well I try to take care of myself. I just get worse, no matter what. I had a blood draw yesterday and feel sure that I need an increase in dosage on my thyroid meds.

So today I could no longer, under the circumstances, face eating a mountain of fruit over the course of 45 minutes. I opted for a peanut butter sandwich, which took about 5. I'll be feeling like garbage here for the next few days (the medication, even once I get it, takes at least a week to even notice it), and when I don't have energy to function, I'm not sure I'll have energy for the 80/10/10 path for the next few days.

For those of you who know nothing of hypothyroid, I can tell you with certainty that what I'm dealing with now is not detox. It's a systemic imbalance, and a feeling I know only too well.

I haven't totally given up on this, and intend to continue this blog, but with my thyroid hormone levels plummeting and my body screaming for fat intake as my feet and hands get colder and colder, something has got to give. I suppose I didn't really think this would be a smooth ride, but I didn't expect to continue to worsen.

I will probably post again sometime next week. Wish me luck in stabilizing.


Sarah said...

Take good care of yourself, Stacy! Hope you feel better soon.

Connie said...

Good Luck Stacy!

Rachel said...

It's a bummer that you are struggling with thyroid issues, Stacy. Hang in there and hope you are feeling better very soon!